Applying for a place at Orchard Community Primary School
Orchard Primary is a very popular school. Applications for places at our school are managed by Leicestershire County Council; the school does not deal with places directly. The Local Authority manage our admissions as part of their co-opted scheme. To make an application for a place at our school school, all parents need to complete an on-line application form, which can be accessed from the Local Authority admissions page:
Where applications exceed the approved admission number, the Governors reserve the right to refuse admission on the grounds that to admit children in excess of the approved admission number would prejudice the provision of efficient education or the efficient use of resources. Parents are advised that priority is given to pupils who live in the school catchment area but this in itself does not guarantee a place. We also take children out of catchment to support parents in finding the right school for their child.
Parents who wish to view the school are warmly invited to contact the school office or Headteacher to arrange a mutually convenient time.
Do you have a Reception child starting school in September 2024?
Applications for parents looking for a place for their child in Reception 2024 closed on 15th January, 2024. Parents can still make a late application using the application form link above if you reside in Leicestershire or by applying directly to your Local Authority of you live in another county.
For full details about the school’s admission arrangements, please click below:
Admissions Policy (2024-2025).pdf
Admissions Policy (2025-2026).pdf
Admissions Policy (2026-2027).pdf
For details of the catchment area, please see the attached map:
2178_Orchard Community Primary School_Vector.pdf
Procedures for Admission into the Reception Year Group
Orchard Community Primary School currently has an approved year group admission number of 45.
Parents wishing to send their children to Orchard School may apply online at:
The closing date for applications for first time admissions is 15th January.
There is one point of entry at the beginning of the Autumn term, for all reception children who have their 5th birthday between 1st September and 31st August. Pupils will be taught in the Reception Class unit. Children are taken into school on a staggered intake over a period of three days. Thereafter, the children attend full time.
An excellent induction programme has been established for the children and their parents before starting at the school:
- An informal open afternoon for parents of all children due to start reception in August/September is held prior to the beginning of the Autumn term at the end of April. This includes a personal tour of the school and an opportunity to view some of the activities that pupils will become involved in.
- A second more formal ‘meeting’ in June where parents are provided with an Orchard Primary School Welcome Pack to inform them of key policies and practices, school organisation, the curriculum etc.
- We also give you and your child the opportunity to ‘drop-in’ and spend three morning sessions with us in order to build up familiarity with the school.
- EYFS staff will visit all ‘feeder’ pre-school settings.
- Class buddies in Year 1 are asked to help new pupils settle in and find their way around the school.
- Invitations to Autumn workshops, a coffee afternoon and a shared reading session in the first half-term.
- Parents of pre-school children will be asked for their written comments on the skills and development of their children. These will then be discussed with parents at the first Parents’ Evening in October.
Procedures for Admission into Other Year Groups or Mid-Term Transfers
All admissions, including mid-term transfer requests (in-catchment included) will be co-ordinated through the School Admissions Service for approval before admission takes place.
Before applying, parents are encouraged to contact the school to discuss place availability and/or to arrange a visit. If you then wish to send your child to the school, you can complete the Local Authority’s online Common Application Form. The application will be processed by the Local Authority, who will notify you of any decision in due course.