Art & Design
Used as a means of enhancing pupils’ observational skills, understanding and enjoyment of the world around them, Art and Design provide a variety of opportunities for pupils to explore ideas, feelings and meanings.
We provide a well-planned curriculum that enables children to develop their skills in drawing, the use of paint, printmaking, textiles and three-dimensional work from direct observation of a subject, as well as from experiences, memory and imagination. Either as individuals or in groups, the children experience working with various media so that they can experiment with colour, textile, tone, line and pattern using a variety of tools, materials and techniques. Children learn to appreciate that there are connections between their own and others’ work and the work of artists past and present, as well as those from other cultures.
The Art & Design Policy and Plans can be found in the links below:
Art & Design Statement of Intent, Implementation & Impact.pdf
Art & Design Long Term Plan (LTP).pdf
Art & Design Progression Map.pdf
Art & Design Characteristics Grid.pdf
Art & Design Key Concept.pdf
Art & Design Substantive and Disciplinary Knowledge.pdf