Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE)

The PSHE curriculum at Orchard is delivered both as a subject in its own right and through the creative curriculum and is intended to enable children to make informed choices about lifestyles they adopt. It includes activities to develop children’s self-esteem, their ability to relate to and collaborate with others, their awareness of bullying and its consequences and their ability to resolve differences. Health Education provides the context for teaching ways in which children can take greater responsibility for their own health and well-being, and includes elements of Sex and Relationships Education. Many aspects of PSHE are covered through the ethos of the whole school. Physical and mental well-being is emphasised within a range of topics which include e-safety, personal hygiene and dental care, medicines, smoking and other drugs.

The PSHE Policy and Plans can be found in the links below:
 PSHE Statement of Intent, Implementation & Impact.pdf
 PSHE Long Term Plan (LTP).pdf
 PSHE Progression Map.pdf
 PSHE Characteristics Grid.pdf
 PSHE Concept Key.pdf

An overview of the school’s Sex and Relationships scheme of work can be viewed by clicking on the link below:
 SRE Overview.pdf


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