Coronavirus Update

Due to the Coronavirus, a number of School events have been affected, please below:

  1. Mothers Day Team PTA event has been cancelled, refunds will be issued by the PTA as soon as possible but this will take some time to organise, please bear with us.
  2. School disco has been cancelled, again, refunds will be issued asap etc.
  3. SEND drop in sessions 17/3/20 have been cancelled, we apologise for any inconvenience. If you have any pressing questions, please email school and these can be passed on. 
  4. Could any parent volunteers/readers etc. please refrain from coming into school to help until further notice. 
  5. If you need extra before or after-school wrap around care sessions this week, please phone the office to book. Thank you.


Here is a link to information that has been given to all pupils, with regard to the Coronavius in this morning's Assembly.


16 Mar 2020

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