The School Day

Timing of the School Day

Year Group

EYFS (2 Classes)

Y1 & 2 (3 Classes)

Y3 & 4 (3 Classes)

Y5 & 6 (3 Classes)

Morning Arrival Window

08:35-08:45am KS1 Playground

08:35-08:45am KS1 Playground

08:35-08:45am LKS2 Verandah

08:35-08:45am LKS2 Verandah or through car park/KS2 Playground






Morning Break








12:00-01:00pm 12:00-01:00pm

03:15pm KS1 Playground

03:15pm KS1 Playground

03:15pm C4 via verandah by the office; C5&6 via the KS1 Playground 

03:15pm C7 via the verandah; C8&9 via the KS2 Playground

Travel to and from school - The school encourages children to walk or cycle to school to improve health and fitness and reduce congestion. If you would like your child to cycle/scoot to school, you should collect and sign a copy of our cycle/scooter policy. Cycle/scooters may be kept in the school cycle racks.

Parking - The safety of our children must over-ride all other considerations. Therefore, car parking on the school site is restricted to staff, authorised visitors only or those with a disability permit.

To help ensure your child's safety, please therefore park off site. Parents are kindly asked to observe the restricted parking area surrounding the school and are requested not to park on the yellow zig-zag lines outside the school gates.

Arrival/Collection – Doors open at 8.35am. The 8.35-8.45am arrival window will enable pupils to walk into school by themselves upon arrival. Parents are asked to encourage their child’s independence at drop off. Parents of older pupils are welcome to drop their children off at the main gate - pupils can enter via the Lower Key Stage 2 verandah door at the bottom of the main pathway, or will walk through the KS2 playground to Classes 8 & 9.

At home-time, pupils who are collected by parents/carers, are released at 3.15pm individually by the class teacher who ensures that children do not leave the playground until they can see the adult who is taking them home.

The school must be informed when a different adult is picking a child up from school at home time. If this does not happen the child will not be released.

If your child will be walking home by themselves, then please inform the class teacher of this arrangement.

Children whose parents/carers are late collecting them will be asked to wait in the main foyer by the school office.

The car park driveway will still be in use as an exit route for UKS2 parents/pupils from August 2022. Parents of older pupils are also welcome to meet their children at the main gates.

Punctuality - Pupils must be in their classroom for the new registration time of 8.45am please so that we can check registers and lunch numbers efficiently and enable your child to settle happily in to their morning lessons. 

Any children arriving after 8.45 a.m., for security reasons must be brought to the main entrance and signed in at the main office.

Pupils’ punctuality will be closely monitored.